Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dear readers,

It is important for you to know that we, here at the Sports Quiz Media Empire, are lazy, easily distracted, and poorly motivated bastards. And so, we humbly suggest that if you enjoy our blog and our humorous mix of mildly offensive tirades and tales of folly--please tell people about us.

The bottom line is this: if people actually read this crap, we might actually keep it up. If people actually comment on our posts, we might actually keep it up. Otherwise we might get distracted by some shiny object and wander off--and definitely not keep it up.

So if you want our kids to eat, and if you want us to be able to maintain our hedonistic lifestyle of gold-plated hooker parties, you'll help make this shit popular.

Until we get famous and forget all about you.

Yours in Christ,


Ron said...

I will spread the word through all the land.

Anonymous said...

You have fans at CUNY and Stonybrook!

Anonymous said...

A wise man once said that all bloggers should "GET A JOB" - "GO TO WORK" - and then ended it with "I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR OPINIONS"

Canada Jackson said...

Another wise man (me) once said "Well then don't fucking read it."

Or are you the kind of person who polishes off their pudding and says they didn't like it?

Anonymous said...

I must read it, it is like witnessing a train wreck - you know you shouldn't look but you look anyway. I bet you are the kind of kid who went off to college and are still living at home, sucking your parents dry while you pursue a career in stocking books in a bookstore. Get a real job.