Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Burned. No pun intended.

The after school program I worked for this past year was one where I found myself dealing with children peeing in bottles and fighting over rocks. Still I had a good time and got to spend time with children who possessed excellent senses of humor. Z, was one of those children.

My usual afternoon routine at Kids Club was one of settling arguments in two square, finding someone's lost gold bouncy ball and distributing snack to a pack of ravenous children with poor table manners. As the day drew to an end I generally found myself playing some relaxing game with the few remaining kids, on this day I was playing Uno with Z when the topic of "boyfriends" and "girlfriends" came up. Feeling the need to probe and "josh" with Z I asked her about having a "boyfriend."

Me: "So...Z, do you have a boyfriend?"

Z: (smirking and fiddling with her cards) "Yes."

Me: "Really? Does he go to this school? What is his name?"

Z: "His name is D, and he's in fourth grade."

Me: "Well...does he go to this school? Do I know him?"

Z: "No, he's from a few towns over. We went to kindergarten together."

Me: "Wow. A long distance relationship. Must be tough, do you hang out a lot?"

Z: "I haven't seen him in three years."

Me: "What! Z! How can you date someone you haven't seen in three years! For all you know he is hideously burned!"

Z: "So he looks like you?"

Zing! I had nothing to respond to Z with, so I did the only thing I could. I gave her a high five.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's it? A whole summer with inner city kids and you only have one story? You are worthless.