Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Go Holidays!

In my last post I got a little riled up about politics and blew off a lot of steam, so I feel its necessary for a return to the lighthearted. I haven’t had much to write about as of late, and I really haven’t had the time, so I’m keeping this post short.

This took place right before the holiday ::cough:: Christmas ::cough:: break. The last full day before break each class has a “holiday” party that is kept as secular as possible so not to make any Jews or other groups jealous by reminding them about how big a B.A.M.F. Santa is.

I personally like to consider myself a Druid. Why a Druid? Why the hell not. They worship trees, and shit. And it totally throws off the occasional Jehovah Witness you meet.

Anywaaays…back to the party, so the class mothers come in and throw this nice little party with crafts, food for snacks and we watch “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” During this party I discovered one of the perks of being an “educator.” Gifts. We’ve all heard the old saying, “it’s better to give than receive.” WRONG. Getting stuff is awesome. I made out like a bandit. Gift cards and certificates galore, I don’t think I will ever have to buy anything from Starbucks again, not that I ever bought something from there before, but still.

The day was winding down and the kids were waiting for their buses to be called when one of the little girls in the class, I, walked up to me.

I: Mr. R., happy holidays, sir.

Mr. R: Why thank you very much I, and happy holidays to you too.

I: Can I ask you a question?

Mr. R: Sure, what is it?

I: Are you Jewish?

Mr. R: Um…no, I’m not. Why do you ask?

I: You just look Jewish.

These are the comments that make working with kids worthwhile.

And then someone tossed their biscuits in the bathroom...

1 comment:

Canada Jackson said...

Oh ho ho you little bugger.

PS Now you know how I feel when everyone on God's green Earth tells me to have a happy Hanuka. To which I can only smile and say "And a Merry Christmas to you, too, you bigoted fuck!"